Estate Planning & Elder Law Services
Trust Heritage Law to help protect
your family on the road of life.
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A Team You Can Trust
Heritage Law provides practical legal and financial solutions to families and individuals looking to preserve their assets for the future as well as assistance to families in a crisis as their loved ones enter a nursing facility or assisted living facility.
In both the planning and crisis roles, our attorneys partner closely with each client to provide effective and client-centered counseling in ways that often go beyond traditional legal advice.
Over 70% of Americans do not have a will and have made no provisions whatsoever to protect their family or business in the event that the unexpected occurs —they die or are incapacitated in some way and unable to make decisions on their own. Failure to plan properly can create unnecessary financial and emotional stress and confusion for your family, business associates and loved ones.
Thoughtful planning will facilitate a smooth and efficient transition of business and personal assets if a disability or death occurs.
Probate and Trust
When a loved one passes away, those left behind are often responsible for dealing with the estate of the deceased. Estate executors and representatives are required to gather the assets of the deceased individual, notify creditors of the estate and distribute the assets of the estate according to the law and the deceased individual’s wishes.
This process often requires extensive time and effort to identify and locate heirs and assets. Furthermore, this process requires broad experience not only in probate and trust law, but also real estate, business, financial planning, insurance and retirement benefits.
Elder Law, Medicaid,
and Special Needs Planning
A broad range of complex issues affects the legal, financial, social and health care needs of our elderly population. If you or a family member have confronted these issues, then you know how frustrating and difficult it can be to navigate the maze of laws and regulations without professional help.
The field of Elder Law can include estate planning, but may also involve legal assistance with obtaining Medicaid, Social Security or Veteran’s benefits as well as, when necessary, asking the court to appoint a guardian for an elderly person who can no longer provide for himself or herself.
Really good people, they were willing to help me and my family in any way we needed. Jesse Bone was very helpful, and I’m so thankful there are still good people out here in this world.