Do you have a financial plan that incorporate the following key areas?
Estate Planning: Provides guidance to help you get your financial house in order.
- Review your assets for proper ownership and beneficiaries.
- Consult and coordinate your plan with your attorney, CPA, and other advisors.
- Address the financial impact of lifestyle changes (death, divorce, disability, and health).
Taxes: Maximize what you earn by minimizing what you owe.
- Research tax strategies to minimize your tax liability.
- Consult and coordinate your plan with your CPA.
Investments: Focus on the growth and management of your portfolio.
- Establish a savings plan.
- Monitor investment performance.
- Manage and rebalance your portfolio to help reduce risk.
Risk Management: Manage life risk by making sure your plan can withstand unexpected situations.
- Review your current financial position.
- Identify weak points and explore ways to strengthen your plan.
If the answer is “no”, it might be time to do some planning. There is no time like the present!